Social Responsibility
Like you, I want a happy life. I desire love, health, and prosperity. And I prefer my days to be brimful of fun and games. I value my freedom to design an exciting lifestyle around those needs, and so far, I’m doing very well.
But none of that would mean anything to me if achieving fulfilment meant causing harm to the world around me. To other people. To nature. To the climate.
I am keenly aware that even my smallest actions have ripple effects way beyond my control. So I strive to conduct myself sustainably around stuff that I can control, and that boils down to a very simple ethos:
Here at Catogården, we comply with all laws and regulations meant to protect consumers, employees, and the environment. And we try to do better than that. Our ambition is to be a force for good in our community and the world at large. Nothing less.
In business relations, we adhere to a code of fairness, transparency, and accountability. We are members of the Destination Lofoten, NHO Reiseliv and Vest-Lofoten Næringsforening. We are proud sponsors of the local fotballteam Reine IL and the Lofotstien.
In personal relations, I resent any brand of sexism, racism or bigotry. This house is all about inclusion. Because of my international crew of volunteers I live in a cultural melting pot, and I wouldn’t want it any different.
Reine is a small village with only 1015 inhabitants. Therefore every single person in our town is great importance.
Consequently, in the foreseeable future, when we open our new restaurant, the plan is to employ a group of young people with special needs.
Seriously worried about climate change, we make a concerted effort to reduce Our carbon footprint of 2022, not the least by following a long-term plan to curtail our consumption of fossil-fueled electricity. In order not to perpetuate unsustainable or unethical practices, we weigh our suppliers by the same token. Go green or go home!
Therefore, our retro decor is not just a fashion statement. Yes, ambience and aesthetics are core values to us, but the idea is also to reduce overconsumption by reusing perfectly functional furniture and appliances.
Whenever possible, we stick to eco-friendly cleaning products (Sonett) and other consumables. We sort our garbage and bring scrap and toxic waste to the recycling station. Our employee has participated in different the beach clean up events of Clean Up Lofoten, as well as we bring home what the guides find whilst kayaking in Reinefjorden.
(Ps: We got the travellers choice of 2021 and 2020 for our kayaking product Reine Paddling.)
So, to constantly hold ourselves to a higher standard and to ensure consistent progress, we enrolled our self to the Norwegian Eco-Lighthouse certification scheme in May 2021 – and not so much to lend credibility to our saintly claims, but rather to gain access to a professional framework. Because we really want to do good.
Amen, and please enjoy Lofoten all you can!